Strip Club Saves Little League Team

“Adverse Secondary Effects?” My ass. When a Los Angeles little league team was in need, who stepped up to the plate to help them? A local strip club. (source)

Of course, the stupid ingrates gave it back because they didn’t like the source.

Marc J. Randazza

2 Responses to Strip Club Saves Little League Team

  1. From the article: ““We saw this story on the news about you guys having to give back that money,””

    Bullshit, motherfucker. Those self-righteous bumblefucks voluntarily gave the money back because they didn’t like the source.

    Not only would I never give them any money ever again, but I would do whatever I could to get back any money I might have donated to them in the past, under the “well, if you can be that picky, you clearly don’t need the money too badly, do you” sub-rule of the “beggars can’t be choosers” rule of life.

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