Dr. Laura, Bible Spice, and the First Amendment

By Marc J. Randazza

Yesterday’s post about Dr. Laura was not a First Amendment post. It was a post about a cultural issue, not a legal issue. However, I got a persuasive email from a friend who all but demanded that I address the First Amendment “issue” in the story. I just wanted to ignore Dr. Laura’s claim that she “wanted her First Amendment rights back.”

But Venkat Balasubramani knows how to push my buttons! He sent me this:

UR a retard KthxBai!

Dr. Laura isn’t the first one to try and bamboozle us by crying “First Amendment,” when the First Amendment just doesn’t belong in the picture.

A number of years ago, I was on South Beach with Jennifer. She was sunbathing topless, which is normal on South Beach. Some perv walked by with a camera, and did a little behind-the-back maneuver — trying to surreptitiously snap a photo of her. When I got up and confronted him, he actually said that he had a “First Amendment right” to take photos there, since it was a public place.

He was absolutely right. The First Amendment protects his right to take photographs in a public place.

For that reason, I did not call the police. I just beat the shit out of him until he gave up his camera, and then I threw his camera into the ocean.

No First Amendment problem there.

What people need to understand is that the First Amendment protects you from the government. The First Amendment does not exempt you from an ass kicking from your fellow citizens.

And that is an important lesson to learn. Dr. Laura deserved to have her ass kicked, metaphorically speaking. She is a bigot. She is an asshole. She is a charlatan. She is divisive. She is hateful. Her speech is bad. I find it troubling that despite years of proof of all of those things, the one thing that finally created a surge of anti-Schlesinger sentiment was that she dared to utter the magic word, “nigger.” It wasn’t that her terrible ideas were actually rejected by the marketplace – it was her use of the magic word.

I have a problem with that as a cultural issue — but it is not a First Amendment issue.

Both Schlesinger and Sarah Palin don’t have a clue about what the First Amendment means — nor does anyone else who thinks that Dr. Laura’s First Amendment rights are at issue here. No government official called to investigate her. A bunch of vocal assholes decided to exercise their First Amendment rights, put pressure on her advertisers, and my friend takes the correct position that this is the marketplace of ideas working effectively. My friend wrote:

The flip side of the First Amendment is private protest/shaming, etc. She can’t be put in jail, but she can be reviled, and forcefully so. To me, this just seems like the marketplace of ideas in action. You say that the marketplace didn’t reject her, but it seems like you have to take a pretty narrow view of what “the marketplace” is (advertisers/audience vs. the PC police). You’re looking at her actual statement and trying to figure out the context, but the market doesn’t need to be so forgiving, that’s the beauty of it.

This is the credited response.

But I hope that the cultural issue can be separated from the legal issue. As a legal issue, I have no problem with Schelsinger being forced off the air by a screaming mob of idiots. Culturally, I have a beef with shutting down debate by allowing one word to be a game-over-trump-card. That is what happened here. Dr. Laura is not off the air because her ideas are disgusting. She is off the air because she dared to say the magic word.

But, turning back to the First Amendment non-issue: It is important that we put up firewalls to stop the spread of ignorance. (If you listen to Dr. Laura or Sarah Palin, you probably already suffer from terminal and incurable ignorance, but there is always a ray of hope). Dr. Laura’s First Amendment rights were no more suppressed here than those of the asshole perv on South Beach. She exercised her First Amendment rights and she got an ass kicking.

If you’re looking for a First Amendment angle in the Dr. Laura story, there is nothing to see here except the “teachable moment” about what the First Amendment means (and what it does not mean).

Repeat after me:

The First Amendment protects you from the government. The First Amendment does not exempt you from an ass kicking by your fellow citizens.

13 Responses to Dr. Laura, Bible Spice, and the First Amendment

  1. evrenseven says:

    Bullshit, Marc. Everyone knows the 1st Amendment guarantees that MY child be taught creationism in school and guarantees my right against socialist Obamacare. Don’t you ever READ the Constitution? IT SAYS “IN GOD WE TRUST” right on it!

  2. hawkhead says:

    As many a person on Twitter has pointed out, you have to wonder what Sarah Palin’s reaction would be if Dr. Laura said “retard retard retard” over and over.

  3. DMG says:

    I’m still under the impression that she voluntarily walked away from her show, then gave that lame-ass excuse. It’s not like the morons who listen to her would have stopped over that one word. As I said in the other thread, Limbaugh still draws ratings. “Doctor” Laura would have been fine. She just wants to play martyr for the fringe lunatics instead.

  4. Charles Platt says:

    I think if you read her statements carefully, she has given up the show because she already lost two sponsors, and she could tell she wasn’t going to be able to proceed in the happy-go-lucky style she has enjoyed in the past. She thinks she can find an audience through other media where she will be “uncensored.”

    So, it’s too early for anyone to claim that she has been silenced.

  5. Bruce Williams says:

    So, since the Constitution didn’t suit you, you took the law into your own hands by mugging someone by photographing ‘Jennifer’s’ unlawful behavior? AND, you see nothing wrong with ANY of that?

    2 cloos 4 u:

    There is more to The Constitution than the First Amendment.

    And it applies to Your Arrogance, just as to us plebeians.

    • Its not that the guy wanted to take a photo. Had he walked up and said “hey, honey, nice tits! Can I take a picture?” Jennifer likely would have said yes, and who would I be to interfere?

      Its the slimy, behind-the-back way he did it that got his ass beat down.

  6. Bruce Williams says:

    Should have been “…mugging someone for lawfully and RIGHTFULLY photographing…’

  7. Bruce Williams says:

    And even if you fabricated the entire story (after all, you ARE a lawyer…), it seems to me you’re advertising the fact that you too are, in your own words, A BIGOT. (If not technically, certainly your attitude of whom is subject to the law…)

    Which of course also makes you a hypocrite.

    Here’s some free advice for the benefit of your children and other living things (hopefully it’s not too late):

    Don’t procreate. Just don’t do it.

  8. Sean F. says:

    Does your business card say “Bruce Williams: Pseudo-intellectual”?

  9. car253 says:

    First amendment rights give everyone the freedom of speech whether we agree with it or not.

  10. lynn says:

    The first amendment protects your right to say what you want. It doesn’t protect you from the consequences of saying what you want. It just means the the govt cannot silence you. Freedom to speak your mind and the freedom of others to hand you your arse when you say something that society has deemed unfit.