Freedom of the Press (or lack thereof) in Iran

by Jason Fischer

Conservative blogger, Michelle Malkin, reports on something that both sides of the political aisle should be able to agree on:

Saberi is a former North Dakota beauty queen

Saberi is a former North Dakota beauty queen

U.S. journalist Roxana Saberi turns 32 today in an Iranian prison. After an hour-long trial, she was sentenced to eight years behind bars for “espionage.” She was initially told she was arrested for buying bootleg wine, and then because she was working as a journalist without a license. She’s now on day five of a hunger strike. Today, one of her defense lawyers was denied access to her.

This story is shocking and tragic — provided you feel strongly about the kind of personal liberty that we enjoy here in the U.S.

7 Responses to Freedom of the Press (or lack thereof) in Iran

  1. The only thing more icky than Michelle Malkin is jailing journalists.

  2. jfischer1975 says:

    Whatevers. She’s hot (Michelle Malkin, I mean).

  3. Dood says:

    Tragic, but a risk knowingly taken by a (self-declared) dual citizen for pay.

    Also, Saberi > Coulter > Malkin

  4. Simon Errock says:

    Whilst deploring the actions by the Iranian ‘court’ is this situation really any different to the old style Cold War triils of dissidents & journalists being sent to Siberia for 15 years for dubious offences against the State. Let us not be too quick to throw stones.
    How many people are in detention under dubious terrorism charges across the US & Western Europe.
    And, as Dood says a risk knowingly undertaken for pay.
    We changed the Soviet Union by engaging with them in dialogue, China is changing albeit slowly, societies can only change at the pace which they will themselves accept.

  5. […] Fischer, in discussing the plight of Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment by a mullah’s court after a one-hour trial, […]