The Passion of the Chris

By J. DeVoy

In a recent GChat session about his recent video game post (reprinted with permission), Christopher Harbin – who endorsed Obama just two years ago – saw the light:

Christopher: and the whole thing is solved by the market
Christopher: let them price the used market into the beginning [price]
Christopher: now it’s 90 bucks

Jay: and people will be like “lol i’m not buying that shit”
Jay: so every game will be awesome to justify the price
Jay: nothing short of a ‘Halo’ would be released.

Christopher: […] when did I go all libertarian and conservative
Christopher: I’m having ridiculous voter’s remorse

Jay: everyone is
Jay: I’ll be kind and let you off with a “I was right”
Jay: not that McCain and Palin wouldn’t be awful
Jay: but they’d be predictably awful
Jay: and it would be possible to plan for the future without being [sexually abused] in the name of fairness.

Christopher: hahahahaha
Christopher: dude, we gotta get a third party guy going
Christopher: why isn’t Bloomberg viable?


Christopher: I’m not an economist, but there is no doubt that destroying incentives for innovation
Christopher: is bad

13 Responses to The Passion of the Chris

  1. evrenseven says:

    As usual, the 08 election was voting for what made you less sick.

    One thing I’ve learned through law school, now being a reasonably learned person who keeps aware, is that it doesn’t matter who the politicians are.

    There’s a system set up that will not move or change except for the course that it has set for itself. Do you guys think McCain/ Palin would have magically fixed everything? No, they would have fucked everything up in some other way.

    The only reason I voted for Barack (and even worked phone banks and canvassed) was for the giant FUCK YOU to the W administration. It was like a nice post script… dude you fucked up *so bad* that American went and voted in a black man/ possible muslim/ illegal alien named barack HUSSEIN obama after you. You were SO BAD, that America didn’t elect a WAR HERO simply because of his association with you (remember they were tied in the polls until Team Barack unleashed ads linking McCain to W near the end).

    That’s a pretty big slap in the face.

    So, when you have voter’s remorse, you have to believe the other guy would have done a better job. In this case, that’s a big fat no.

    • J DeVoy says:

      I’m of the opinion that it doesn’t matter who’s in power, as both “sides” are bought and paid for by the same purchasers. Goldman gave more to Obama; Morgan Stanley gave more to McCain. Hedge funds went dem while private equity went GOP. In the end, the system is financed largely by people with only slightly different priorities that are generally opposed to the values and best interests of most americans. What we get is a wasteful system where people root for their side on sites like HuffPo in a battle to see who can bankrupt taxpayers in the name of America first.

      In sum, the entire system is pretty much bullshit. Look to Obama’s abysmal – worse than Bush! – record on civil liberties. I merely enjoy it when people see the light in Plato’s cave and realize they’ve been living a lie and accepting the false left/right political dichotomy. Once you’re truly free, you can act in your self-interest and not be ashamed for doing so, even if still nominally belonging to a political party.

      • evrenseven says:

        You know, at least the guy *sounds* cool. I mean, he’ll never give the leader of another country a backrub at a G-8 summit.

      • Jonathan Hansen says:

        Well said; essentially what George Carlin came to realize about those in power. Obama undeniably pulled a “bait and switch” job on many issues, but certainly on civil liberties, as you point out. There are undoubtedly good reasons for some actions, for instance, the existence of long term projects that require continuity and of which the president is only advised when he/she takes office – I recall Truman was only told of the Atom Bomb project after the inauguration. But that doesn’t explain Obama’s trumpeting the need for transparency and defending civil liberties, only to to start prosecuting whistleblowers and invoking “state secrets” in lawsuits with more zeal than even Bush.

          • evrenseven says:

            You know, I can’t help but think that there’s some deep, dark shit none of us knows or should know or wants to know. Obama’s tune on Gitmo changed the minute he became president elect. You know what else happened that day? He started receiving the national security briefings reserved only for the president and the president elect. That tells me something. As I mentioned above, he’s *at least* highly intelligent, and highly thoughtful. I fail to believe that he backtracked on some of his promises for the sake of back- tracking; because who has he made happy? He’s not making the right happy no matter what he does. He could order a nuclear strike on Iran, Syria and Pakistan and the hawks wouldn’t be satisfied. He’s alienating left leaning independents, the firs time voters that got him elected in the first place. I sometimes believe that there are some things the people up top are privy to that would melt our faces like the arc.

      • Tatiana says:

        J, I think I love you.

  2. Tatiana says:

    In fact, I think I love all of you.

  3. Tatiana says:

    The good news, guys, is that Obama will NOT be president again – unlike GW Assbush.

    • evrenseven says:

      Problem with that, Ms Tauber, is that there’s going to be some absolutely batshit crazy person that survives the Tea Party/ GOP primary season freakshow of 2011, so we’re going to end up with a Sarah Palin like right wing demagogue.

      These are the people that thought BOB BENNETT and Lisa Murkowski were too liberal in the GOP primary!

      • Suck on this idea just for a second and see how it tastes — maybe America DESERVES a bat-shit crazy Palinite president. Maybe then it will break apart into fuckhead land and an actual decent country.

        It would suck for the normal people in Flori-duh, because they would likely have to live in fuckhead land or be refugees fleeing north, but perhaps that is ultimately the better result.

        I mean, seriously, had the south won the civil war and remained independent, imagine what America could have achieved if it had spent the last 140 years without having to drag its retarded cousins along to every party.

        I guess it would have really sucked ass to be black in Mississippi for the past 140 years, but maybe they’d have risen up and overthrown the peckerwoods?