Inappropriate Alertness

By Marc J. Randazza

In Elmwood Place, Ohio, a woman was pulled over for having illegally-tinted windows. No wonder she had them tinted so dark, because behind them she had her pants unzipped, and had an un-specified sex toy in her lap. She apparently confessed to the police officer that she was masturbating with the sex toy while watching porn on her passenger’s laptop. The officer cited her for “inappropriate alertness.” (source)

And no… she wasn’t hot.

3 Responses to Inappropriate Alertness

  1. Give that officer a raise. Are they going to cover this
    scenario in the academy now?

  2. […] 26 August 2010 (early am) Runners, cyclists and walkers: be careful out there; drivers really might not be paying much attention. […]

  3. David Eoll says:

    Passed a guy watching porn cruising down 128 a couple years ago. Only one hand on the wheel. Draw your own conclusions.