An event for the free speech-minded

By J. DeVoy

The Lords of Acid are touring!  For those who haven’t heard of this group, it’s the kind of bizarre music and stage act that only a First Amendment zealot can truly appreciate.  For others familiar with the group, this is a bit of a head-scratcher, as it hasn’t released new material in roughly a decade.  It is, however, up every Satyricon reader’s alley.

Perhaps this is not in the top tier of shocking concerts like Gwar’s and Gorgoroth’s, but it’s enough to raise puritanical eyebrows across “are” country.

Also headlining with the Lords of Acid is My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult (“TKK”).  While not as extreme as the Lords, TKK has always proven to be a funky, campy, good time, with subtle overt satan-worship thrown in the mix.  I last saw the band live on Thanksgiving 2007, when I blew off the turkey, and my sister came out to visit.  We share a special bond of thinking that day is worthless.

5 Responses to An event for the free speech-minded

  1. evrenseven says:

    The great classics more and more are touring w/o releasing any new material (Primus tomorrow in San Francisco!) because they know their fans want to see them and they want to hear the music that made the fans love them in the first place. The music industry being what it is, if an act can make money by touring on its already released material (from back when releasing material was the profit model) then they’re in really good shape.

    • J DeVoy says:

      I don’t think I’ll make any of the Lords/TKK dates, which kind of sucks because I’ve tangentially listened to LOA since high school and never seen them live. TKK has never disappointed me, but I’ve seen them enough times to not feel cheated by missing them this tour.

  2. spiparo says:

    since we’re just talking about talking about it, how do the lyrics sound for a response Rondo?

  3. Cody says:

    My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult has a sweet reissue coming out on August 10th that revisits the Wax Trax Years (1987-1991).

    Check it out here:

  4. Bob says:

    WOW! Thanx!!!