Route 60 Hyundai in Vero Beach, Flori-duh, I would like to introduce you to the Streisand Effect

Same old story. Consumer goes to a car dealership. Consumer is unhappy with how he is treated at car dealership. Consumer bitches about car dealership on the internet. Car dealership deals with consumer and makes the situation right calls up attorney. Attorney sends really ill-advised letter to consumer, and then consumer’s complaint about car dealership goes from being heard by 40 people to being heard by 4,000,000 people. (source)


UPDATE: If anyone out there can find a copy of the demand letter, I would love to a) read it, and b) give it a fair critique. The letter is here. Not much to critique.

5 Responses to Route 60 Hyundai in Vero Beach, Flori-duh, I would like to introduce you to the Streisand Effect

  1. ES says:

    The state motto should be Florida: Shit Rolls Downhill!

  2. Eric T. says:

    It would be a nice case study: Google “Route 60 Hyundai” now and then again in a few days.

  3. Tapp says:

    Typical of these types of business. Rather than, I don’t know, make an effort to right the customer’s perceived wrong or get to the bottom of the matter, they chose to try to threaten and intimidate the consumer. Hopefully this will be a valuable lesson to this dealership about the power of word-of-mouth advertising.

  4. Rogier says:

    I would like to nominate Darling’s in Ellsworth Maine for some of that same Internet lovin’. I was there two weeks ago to inquire about buying a new car, sticker price more than $45K. I give the salesman my info and ask for a custom quote by e-mail. He says he’ll get right on it. Nothing. They pulled the same shit two years ago when I was car-shopping. Guess who’s not getting my forty-five-thousand dollars?

  5. What do you expect from an attorney who is still sending demand letters that end with “PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY”?