Well Said…

And restrained…

I think that putting the rights of minorities on the ballot and allowing the forces of intolerance to spend an unlimited amount to demonize and marginalize a population is … unsavory.”

So said DC City Council member, David Catania, when interviewed about why he opposes placing marriage equality on the ballot in the District of Columbia, which is expected to legalize same sex marriage this week. (source)

One Response to Well Said…

  1. writerdood says:

    Yes, it is a good point. I should note, however, that it is sometimes a useful military tactic to give the enemy something other than yourself to shoot at so that you easily identify their location. That way, when you call for fire, you have the correct coordinates. Putting something on a ballot to let the forces of intolerance spend money to demonize and marginalize something certainly points out who they are, and how they operate. Of course, if you already know this information, then it doesn’t help.