NPR Interview on the Cox Matter

NPR’s “On the Media” had me on today to talk about my stalker. You can listen to it here.

6 Responses to NPR Interview on the Cox Matter

  1. blueollie says:

    Cool! Thanks for posting.

  2. Dirk Velten says:

    I know nothing of you except what I just heard listening to the On The Media podcast, but I found myself unexpectedly stirred hearing your interview. There’s something about the thoughtfulness and generosity of spirit you bring to bear as you stand and fight for principles that I find curiously moving. Anyway, thanks for the good work you do and the way you do it. My best wishes to you and your family.

  3. bjkeefe says:

    What Dirk Velten said. I’m a pretty much of a free speech fundamentalist, and I was delighted to hear someone representing my views so well.

  4. bjkeefe says:

    What Dirk Velten said. I’m a pretty much of a free speech fundamentalist myself, and I was delighted to hear someone representing my views so well. Hope I never need you, but if I do …!

  5. Joe says:

    Well then, you’ll enjoy this one.

    Someone is having a good laugh at her. Make sure to watch it in full screen by hitting the 4 corner box at the bottom right of the YouTube video.

    I predict all kinds of nasty comments from her on the video. And, everyone else should rally around the author in defense.

  6. bjkeefe says:

    Sorry about the double comment. The first one didn’t appear after I clicked “Post.”