If Dr. Laura sang ‘nigga’

by Tatiana von Tauber

…she might have gained a new audience and kept her radio show. 

Aside from her, here’s a fantastic expression of words like “fuck you” and “nigga”.  Context is everything.  An aquaintence of mine called this ‘clever’.  Excellent description.   Enjoy.

11 Responses to If Dr. Laura sang ‘nigga’

  1. This is F-ing hilarious. High quality vulgarity! I love when time and effort is put into effective cursing.

  2. evrenseven says:

    Can we please stop with the notion that what “Dr.” Laura said got her somehow kicked off the air? This isn’t even close to the most incendiary thing she’s ever said. Furthermore, she’s leaving her show voluntarily and no one’s taking away her first amendment rights.

    She’s done a valuable service for me in my life. If anyone starts a sentence with “I was listening to Dr. Laura the other day and…” I know I can tune that person out of my life completely and not miss anything of any substance whatsoever, unless I needed to hear that interracial couples shouldn’t get married and how a woman’s only place in the world is to be her husband’s semen receptacle.

  3. MikeZ says:

    I don’t see how Dr. Laura’s leaving voluntarily is different than say Dan Rather retiring from CBS. Rarely Almost no public figure gets actually fired in the sense that a normal person would. As to whether her separation is voluntary don’t think anyone other than her/her boss knows. You are correct in that it isn’t a 1st amendment issue, but that would be true either way. Certainly her boss could fire her for saying “rubber duckie” and it wouldn’t be a first amendment issue.

  4. I loved this because it reminded me of when I started dating Jennifer. The guy she broke up with so that she could go out with me got pissed off and sent her a copy of his 401K statement showing that he had $100,000 in it.

    She told me that, so I sent her a copy of my bank account statement. At the time, I believe it may have had about $8,000 in it.

    • J DeVoy says:

      And, despite thousands of other stories like this, people get pissed off when confronted with the obvious alpha/beta dichotomy.

  5. Christopher Harbin says:

    Ceelo is freaking fantastic. That is all.

    • splifton says:


      Ceelo Green is pretty talented… But I think that because he is black he is “entitled” to use the word Nigga.

  6. splifton says:

    Randal Graves: Since when did “porch monkey” suddenly become a racial slur?
    Dante Hicks: When ignorant racists started saying it a hundred years ago.
    Randal Graves: Oh bullshit. My grandmother used to call me a ‘porch monkey’ all the time when I was a kid, because I’d sit on the porch and stare at my neighbors.
    Dante Hicks: Despite the fact that your grandmother might’ve used it as a term of endearment for you, it’s still a racial slur. It’d be like your grandmother calling you a little kike.
    Randal Graves: No it is not. Plus my grandmother had nothing but the utmost respect for the Jewish community. When I was a kid, she’d always tell me to treat the Jewish kids well or they’d put the sheeny curse on me.
    Dante Hicks: WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?
    Randal Graves: What?

  7. Montana says:

    I am so happy that the ugly (inside and out) crazy old gym teacher reaped what she had sowed. She could have gotten her argument across by saying “N word” and not using the word and by not saying “don’t NAACP me” but like Michael Richards AKA “Cosmo Kramer”, she ends up the trash heap of history, a history of her own making. I am so happy that the free market AKA sponsors started to pull their ads (I guess they were exercising their free speech) and she finally realized that she was just another “run of the mill gabby” and her days were numbered. She realized that she was not as smart as she thought she was, finally! The first three times she used the word might not have been in anger but the last eight she was filled with hate, so good riddance.

    Palin was the one who got bent over the use of the word “Retard” (she wanted someone fired for using it once), Palin also said that the people have the right to build the Mosque in NY, but out of respect for the 9/11 families they shouldn’t, but I guess this same standard is not applicable to Laura Schlessinger. Do you see the hypocrisy? The problem with Palin is the same when she mistakenly referred to Ronald Reagan Eureka College, being in California and we all know its in Illinois, same thing, she does not fact check anything she is going to say. She is soooo Palin!



    • Thank you for that clip. Very inspiring, like that whole show usually is…

      Sadly, I am such a fucking retard that this is sorta what I expected to get when we elected Obama. Go ahead. Call me a moron, a dipshit, and anything else you want. I actually believed it. What a magnificent country this would be if we actually ever had a president who possessed a spine and a brain, both at the same time.