Holy Crap! Erin is Blowjob Girl!

I was just watching The Office and realized that Erin is Blowjob Girl! (THis video went viral back in aught seven)

UPDATE: Since most visiting this post are new to the blog, take a look at these links to see what it is all about:

CNN: UnAmerican to Silence…

Philly Law Blog: Why I went to law school.

The Editor on Savage Nation.

9 Responses to Holy Crap! Erin is Blowjob Girl!

  1. J DeVoy says:

    1) Why are you watching The Office?

    2) She’s a Princetonian, too.

  2. Mark M says:

    Honestly, I might go for “very dry” from her. Seriously who’s in a position to turn down a toungue like sandpaper in this economy.

  3. Clint says:

    Haha, awesome.

  4. […] COMEDY: Holy Crap! Erin from The Office is Blowjob Girl! I was not aware of this 2 minute comedic video from DerrickComedy/CollegeHumor — but it certainly does seem to be the new receptionist Erin from The Office. You know — the one who just hooked up with Andy the Nard Dog? Heh heh. (tags: comedy media video TV shows NBC TheOFfice characters Erin sex blowjobs oralSex blowjobgirl TheLegalSatyricon youtube videos) […]

  5. […] COMEDY: Holy Crap! Erin from The Office is Blowjob Girl! I was not aware of this 2 minute comedic video from DerrickComedy/CollegeHumor — but it certainly does seem to be the new receptionist Erin from The Office. You know — the one who just hooked up with Andy the Nard Dog? Heh heh. (tags: comedy media video TV shows NBC TheOFfice characters Erin sex blowjobs oralSex blowjobgirl TheLegalSatyricon youtube videos) […]

  6. Sahri says:

    Hey, I think the guy is Kenneth from 30 Rock!

  7. Nard Dog says:

    Hilarious! Erin from the Office. Shes so adorable during those pauses and sexy in a creepy way!

  8. rabwalker says:

    Well dry is good for me. if not for you ?

  9. […] possible) female friends.  Yes, this post has nothing to do with law, but neither does the “Holy Crap! Erin is Blowjob Girl!” post that dominates this blog’s Google referrals day after day.  Somehow, […]