Captain Lou Albano

Has died.

One Response to Captain Lou Albano

  1. herbiethelovebug says:

    A few years back, he violently smashed into my sister’s car in Lake Mary, FL. Her car was totaled, and almost broke in half. She was dazed and bruised but ok. When she got out, she saw this strange guy with a rubber band in his beard walking toward her [she had no clue who he was]. She expected an apology, or at least an “Are you ok?” Instead, the weird guy simply came up and asked her:
    “Do you know where the Marriott is?”
    When she told us the story, she said the cops were all impressed by this weird guy with the rubber bands in his beard because he was someone famous. She had no clue. My friend who is a personal injury lawyer begged her to sue so he could depose Capt. Lou, but she wouldn’t.
    I guess, girls just want to have fun, when the wrecking day is done….