Women Take the Helm in the Market for Porn

As my co-blogger, Tatiana, often proves to us – modern, third-wave feminism isn’t about wearing birkenstocks and not shaving. It looks like ABC News finally caught up to Tatiana. See ‘Adults-Only’ Businesses Find Growing Market Among Women.

One Response to Women Take the Helm in the Market for Porn

  1. Tatiana says:

    Thank you Marc. :-)

    Great article. This quote nails it:
    “There’s no foreplay to speak of and there’s just no buildup. There’s no real communication, tenderness,” she said. “It’s just very direct. We’re here for sex, and we’re going to have sex, and it’s really hardcore gymnastics, and mechanical.”

    Maybe it’s not so much that some women tend to fear sex, objectification and pornography. They fear *this* kind. A lot of women can’t relate but give them something they *can* relate to and their sexual side will come out if not flourish.

    I think as women inflitrate the market, social fears will melt away the negative stigmas of pornography and we can finally enjoy its various forms with less judgment.