Whoever wrote this piece is frigging brilliant.

By the way, I know I have a lot of older and less than “with it” readers. Read the definition of Teabagging at Urban Dictionary.

18 Responses to LOLICOPTERZ! Teabagging

  1. DOMINO says:

    “Dick Army” indeed.

  2. jfischer1975 says:

    frigging brilliant? ….or angry dog-kicking liberal douche? We report. You decide.

    Nice reporting, MSNBC; call out Fox News for “biased reporting” in a TOTALLY unbiased way.

    • Brandon says:

      Why what a retard you are. They did some word play and that makes them biased? Or was it the part where he mentioned some facts that weren’t to your liking? Was that the biased part? Where they pointed out the hypocrisy of the right by stating uncomfortable facts like how Obama is raising taxes on the rich all the way up to 10% less than what they were under Reagan? Or the part where Obama gave the middle and lower classes the largest tax cut in American history you facsist moron? If pointing out how stupid the right-wing is makes you biased, then fine MSNBC is biased. But that doesn’t change the fact that the right-wing is stupid, does it?

      • jfischer1975 says:

        You got me; I’m a retarded, stupid, right-wing fascist. If it makes you feel better to think of anyone who doesn’t want to live in a socialist country that way, be my guest. Flame on, brother.

        My real problem with this piece is that it mischaracterizes the protests as an “anti-tax” initiative, when it really is more accurately labeled an “anti-spending” initiative. Runaway spending is a nonpartisan issue — has been for the last eight-to-ten years. Both left-wing and right-wing congressmen have been throwing away taxpayers’ money for some time. The tipping point came when our apparently-infallible, totally-beyond-criticism, magic new president started suggesting even more spending on bailouts and mortgage relief, instead of letting the economy stabilize on its own. That’s the original source of these demonstrations. Watch this clip, if you think I’m making any of this up:

        Second, the piece suggests some kind of nefarious right-wing sponsorship of the initiative. It’s true that plenty of conservatives are encouraging participation, but they didn’t come up with it (see above). It’s also true that many Americans are participating without really understanding the underlying issues. But you are demonstrating that you don’t understand either, when you ignorantly state that “Obama gave the middle and lower classes the largest tax cut in American history . . . .” What changes in the tax code have been passed? None yet. The only thing Obama has done so far is propose a federal budget that has the largest shortfall in American history. See

        The truth of the matter is that we should all (left and right) be outraged about how our government has behaved, is behaving, and continues to behave in the face of public protest. This type of media coverage trivializes the real problem.

        It’s really funny how everyone on the left complained that FOX News, a single cable news station, was Bush’s mouthpiece. Obama has all the rest as his. Welcome to the REAL propaganda presidency – where civil unrest can be discredited with dick and fart humor. Don’t get me wrong, I laughed when I watched the “teabagging” clip – it’s funny. It’s also, as previously asserted, biased.

      • Hey Brandon,

        Why don’t you sift through Fischer’s writing on this blog before you call him a “moron.” I don’t think “fascist” fits either (unless in just a joking and good natured way). “Retard”? I’ll put him up against anyone, any day.

        After you’ve read his writing, if you feel the need to come back and be a little more respectful, nobody will fault you for editing your comment.

        In other words, you can disagree with him all you want. You can call *ME* all the names you want. But fuck with my people, and you fuck with me. This is your one mulligan. Next one gets you banned.

        • Brandon says:

          You’re right and I apologize. I was in a trollish mood when I made my comment. I’ve been trying to stop myself from insulting people, but I lost control with this one. I’m not sure what had me in such a bad mood; probably my wife. ;) But still, it’s no excuse. I’m usually more civil than this and to be honest I’m embarrassed that I attacked someone so obviously undeserving of it.

  3. You’re just bitter because “your people” lost the humor round … this time.

  4. Bbbbbakes says:

    I didn’t think the piece was criticizing FOX for biased reporting so much as, y’know…stupidity. It certainly isn’t always the case, but this is kinda one of those “the truth has a well-known liberal bias” type moments.

  5. jfischer1975 says:

    we always lose the humor fight :(

    did you see “An American Carol”? i wish i hadn’t.

  6. I didn’t… but if you think that the Right always loses the humor fight, you’re crazy! Trust me, the fucking Leftie parties are NO FUN AT ALL. I’d much rather hang out with Right Wing people. I mean seriously, if you want a laugh, are you gonna read National Lampoon or The Nation?

  7. Heather says:

    I did not enjoy this “teabagging” video. It’s not that I don’t agree with the sentiment… but it’s kinda like saying “you’re an asshole” during a debate.

  8. Lazlo says:

    I’m certain some of my client’s have covered teabagging events in the past and would be most interested in filming some right wing Republigoog teabagging for distribution through their normal channels. Of course getting 2257 documents may be difficult….

  9. baraq says:

    These people at CNN and MSNBC sure seem to have lots of expertise in Teabagging, especially that Anderson Cooper guy. I am sure he wants desperately to teabag the President.

  10. […] JESUS FUCKING CHRIST &#183 Tagged douchebaggery, barack obama, ronald reagan, taxes Conservatives voicing their “full-throated” opposition to government spending (which apparently didn’t bother them during the Bush administration) […]

  11. Craig says:

    fuck off you ignorant liberal bastard. I love how u make fun of “The media” which corrupts all, but that is only the liberal side of it who is full of shit. like you. fuck off.

  12. […] “It’s Going to Be Teabagging Day” […]

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