Virginia Upskirt Photo Case

Virginia’s intermediate appellate court today held that Virginia’s anti-peeping photography law applies to upskirt videos and photographs taken in such places as retail stores. Wilson v. Virginia, __ Va. App. _, _ S.E. 2d _ (March 24, 2009). Full Story and analysis at Underdog Blog.

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5 Responses to Virginia Upskirt Photo Case

  1. Tanner Andrews says:

    Move along, folks, nothing to see here. The guy was laying on the floor under a rack of women’s clothing, pointing his camera up the skirt of the victim. At least if the appeals court is correct in reciting the facts, he probably deserved to be convicted.

  2. me says:

    That’s not what happened at all, Tanner. Please learn your facts before posting. If you read the transcript it happened in a classroom.

  3. The court’s opinion did not include a transcript. I just have to take the facts as they recited them. The opinion said he was under a rack of women’s clothing, and unless you have a transcript handy to refute their opinion then I have to accept the facts as they recite them.

  4. J Beasley says:

    Film to DVDs

    Wow, what a creep. It’s amazing that there aren’t more laws regulating this type of behavior. I think that as things progress we are going to have more and more laws regulating what we can and cannot photograph and video in public. More government control isn’t always better, but something has to be done.


  5. That’s awful. (and partially why I don’t wear skirts). How bad would you feel to know some jerk in a store or classroom (for the sake of the article) has a picture of whatever your daughter had on under her skirt, dress or shorts? I think if you relate it to men in that sense, it’s much better. They would be infuriated, obviously! There needs to be harsher laws against peeping Toms, whether it’s windows or skirts, its an invasion of privacy! -Sylvia