Top Ten Reasons to Restrict Minors’ Access to Library Books About Sex

Our special guest, Dr. Marty Klein is the author of the book, America's War on Sex and the blog Sexual Intelligence.

Our special guest, Dr. Marty Klein is the author of the book, America's War on Sex and the blog Sexual Intelligence. Click his face to see his amazing blog.

By Marty Klein, Ph.D
Special Guest to the Legal Satyricon

The Topeka and Shawnee County (Kansas) Public Library’s Board of Trustees voted last week to restrict minors’ access to four books: “Sex for Busy People,” “The Lesbian Kama Sutra,” “The Joy of Sex” and “The Joy of Gay Sex.” They deemed the material “harmful to minors.”

Here are ten reasons to support this ban:

10. Most minors have never heard of sex, and these books would confuse them.

9. The books would encourage minors to have intercourse, increasing demand for condoms and therefore the price—oh wait, Kansas kids are told condoms don’t work. Never mind.

8. If minors want to look at sexy books and pictures, they should just go to their parents’ night-table.

7. One local pastor testifying for the ban objected to “exposing our youngsters to this”–and then read explicit lines from a book not being challenged. Using this logic, Kansas book-banners are like Iranian book-banners.

6. Book banning is better than book burning, because book burning causes air pollution.

5. Only kids who can’t use computers read books. Kids should learn to use the internet, which has plenty of information about sex, all of it completely reliable.

4. TV viewing is declining, hurting advertising and therefore the economy. If kids want information about sex, they can look at music videos. This will also increase their vocabulary.

3. Better yet, minors can go to the Parents Television Council website for video clips of the sexiest shows of the week, here and here.

2. Kansas kids can learn about sex furtively, like their parents did–after all, the lack of intelligent sex education never hurt them. That’s why the state Attorney General tried to close Planned Parenthood last year, a state senator tried to shut down the highly-respected University of Kansas sexuality course, and Shirley Phelps of the local Westboro Baptist Church has demonostrated at over 100 military funerals about God hating America’s “tolerance” of homosexuality.

And the #1 reason to support restricting minors’ access to these library books…

1. If we want our kids to read stories about sex, we’ll give them the Bible.

Where book learnin' ain't nothin' but a lib'rul theory!

Where book learnin' ain't nothin' but a lib'rul theory!

5 Responses to Top Ten Reasons to Restrict Minors’ Access to Library Books About Sex

  1. […] For my comments on this at the Legal Satyricon—one of the world’s great blogs—click here. […]

  2. Cand86 says:

    This completely boggles my mind, especially since they used to have a Banned Book Tour:

    What a enormous reversal.

  3. Tatiana says:

    Dr. Klein,
    It is such an honor to have you here with us at the LS. I’ve enjoyed your blog since I found Mr. Randazza’s blog by what seemed like sheer accident almost a year ago. It turned out to help me in ways I never expected. The fact that I love your sense of humor has little to do with the recommendation of your blog to others every chance I can get. You often bring new light to things I hadn’t considered. I find your blog very educational and funny.

    My only complaint is that your blog does not allow comments. I’m glad I have the chance here. :-)

    I about fell off my chair watching the Nip & Tuck video clip. I’m having the perfect morning: all three kids are finally in school for the first time in almost two months; I’m alone in a quite house; I’m laughing and drinking coffee and reading your post. Thanks!

    Tatiana von Tauber

  4. […] now and I learned that one of the top five people I’d love to meet, Dr. Marty Klein, wrote a piece for us.   Of course, I had to […]

  5. Mark Kernes says:

    Can I just say that Marty Klein’s “America’s War on Sex” is the best book I’ve ever read on religious suppression of sexual speech?