Jones Day v. Blockshopper Settles

The completely bogus lawsuit that Jones Day filed against Blockshopper has settled.

According to Wendy Davis, writing for Slate:

Faced with the prospect of big legal bills and an unfriendly judge, BlockShopper co-founder Brian Timpone decided to settle. On Tuesday, the real estate site said it agreed to change how it links to Jones Day. BlockShopper will no longer use the names of Jones Days attorneys as anchor text. Instead, it will use the full and cumbersome URL. In other words, Timpone said, instead of posting “Tiedt is an associate,” the site will write “Tiedt ( is an associate.” (The agreement also calls on BlockShopper to say that the lawyer in question is employed at Jones Day and that more information about the attorney is on the firm’s Web site.) (source)

Davis’ article has some fantastic analysis of the case… including a link to yours truly.

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