Which Doll is Nicer?

We don’t usually write about racial issues here at the LS, mostly because I don’t think we’re all that qualified. I’ll just let this video speak for itself… or rather scream WTF for itself.

Well, and then think about the fact that we’re going to have a black president tomorrow.

I wonder if this experiment will be different in 10 years. I hope so.

3 Responses to Which Doll is Nicer?

  1. WTF indeed.
    And how sad to see the girl push forward the bad doll, the one that looks most like her.

  2. V says:

    HolyF. This makes my eyes water and my stomach churn. This reminds me of a social experiment conducted by Jane Elliot in in a classroom–thirty years ago.

  3. Simon Errock says:

    As the post says in it’s introduction – WTF!
    Even the little girls seems uncomfortable when she hands over the black doll.