Ay Carumba! Simpsons Cartoon Porn = Child Porn in Australia

A New South Wales judge ruled that images like this one are "child pornography" under Australian law

A New South Wales judge ruled that images like this one are 'child pornography' under Australian law

I guess that Mary Beth Buchanan would feel at home Down Under.

In the dumbest thing to come out of Australia since Mel Gibson, Justice Michael Adams of the New South Wales Supreme Court upheld a child pornography conviction of a man who possessed Simpsons look-alike images engaging in sexual activity.

The main issue of the case was whether a fictional cartoon character could “depict” a “person” under law.

“If the persons were real, such depictions could never be permitted,”Justice Adams said in his judgement. “Their creation would constitute crimes at the very highest end of the criminal calendar.”

Alan John McEwan had been convicted in the Parramatta Local Court of possessing child pornography and of using a carriage service to access child pornography material, the latter of which has a maximum penalty of 10 years’ jail. (source)

Justice Adams said the purpose of Australia’s child pornography laws is to stop sexual exploitation and child abuse where images are depicted of ‘real’ children.” (source)

However it was also to deter the production of other material, including cartoons, that could “fuel demand for material that does involve the abuse of children.”

Yep, nothing gets a pedophile worked up like looking at pictures of Milhouse doinking Lisa Simpson.

I guess it figures. This bit of asshattery is brought to you by the country where teachers aren’t supposed to mark kids papers with red pen anymore, because it might “offend children.” Since when did Australia become so damn sissified?

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19 Responses to Ay Carumba! Simpsons Cartoon Porn = Child Porn in Australia

  1. KWW says:

    This Simpsons first aired in 1989. I think everyone is legal now.

  2. Sweet! I’ve been waiting for Lisa to be legal.

  3. Wrat says:

    Either of those fictional cartoon characters may “depict” a “person”, but it appears that depiction with the big tits hanging between her elbows is drawn very much like an adult person. And the guy doing her like a doggie has a dong as big around as his wrist, which is not a typical juvenile characteristic in human beings.
    That not being so clear in Australia, I don’t think I will ever have sex there. Apparently the judiciary there makes rulings just off the top of their heads.

  4. Tatiana says:

    I just sent the editor of The Erotic Woman dot com to your blog telling her how great it was, but being she’s Austrailian and all this should be a good introduction. Sheesh.

    Not sure I want to know her take but this is clearly where interpretation of child porn is taken to a pathetic level. Good to know America isn’t the only wacky country. I don’t feel so alone.

  5. Mark Kernes says:

    Hey, at least in the U.S., child porn has to involve actual *children*!

    In any case, thanks for posting the image. I’d been wondering what all the hubbub was about.

  6. Tricky Dick says:

    I wonder how many Aussies will look at your blog and then get arrested?

  7. Billy Bop says:

    This judge’s puritanical self righteous, condescending and narrow minded view of what constitutes child porn has echoes of religious persecution, intolerance and the Spanish inquisition. How did this nanny culture moron ever manage to become a judge. A judge’s job is much to important to be entrusted to a person that cannot differentiate between a spoof of a cartoon, which some might consider a type of art (perhaps in bad taste) and real life. The consequences of this judge’s decision will have far reaching affects to our society. This guy reminds me of today’s radical ayatollahs who are straight out of the dark ages with a one track and very scary mind-set.

  8. In all fairness to the judge, he may simply have been interpreting the law as written in Australia. When the law is an ass, a judge can’t be faulted for spewing shit, can he?

  9. Jonathan says:

    Hmm.. What if someone would draw the “evidence” that it’s not a child? :)
    Like animate this…
    It would get this dude out of jail :)
    Anyway, it’s pathétic to put someone in jail for this :S

  10. cake says:

    Shut up Bart I’m piss!

  11. Mekhong Kurt says:

    As marcorandazza notes, the judge may have been limited by what he could and could not do under Australian law.

    While I personally see no appeal to the cartoon, I question the interpretation that it involves children, even cartoon ones, for the same reasons as Wrat cites. (Big hooters and poker.) While the characters in the original cartoon *are* children, their spin-offs here sure don’t look like it.

    That, together with the fact this *is* a cartoon, after all, makes me wonder if an appellate court might hold differently than the trial judge did.

  12. random visiter says:


  13. dj says:

    ok man that is well sad its a pic nothin more not real so why make it child porn i mean come on thats just sad that judge is stupid he must be bord and need th have a case so he chould go by beer and a cheap hooker :)

  14. eatmykant says:

    This is clearly just payback for the time Bart Simpson escaped the swift boot of Australian justice.

  15. bahahaha says:

    Aussie judges are retarded ahahah… child porn is only illegal because it is the exploitation and or rape of a minor who cannot make the choice on their own.

    This… is a cartoon.. it has no concept of choice except by the choice of the animator/artist.

  16. Leo says:

    As an Australian, I wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that Australia is both sissified and retarded. In our defence, some of us aren’t morons (but really, most of us are).

  17. veeno says:

    This is just another example of an (authorytarian)who can not control their own sexual urges like a lot of other people in this society and these things get them off cause they live such sheltered lives and think everyone gets off on a cartoon picture. These people need to get a life and get there heads out of their own and each others arses. And for the record it is a fact that even when they were kids playing with their little boys toys the girls were always playing with Barbie and Ken dolls (what does that tell you what is on who’s minds). from OZ

  18. Guy Incognito says:

    Does this mean that I could be prosecuted for car theft by playing “Grand Theft Auto” or for murder in any number of “shoot’em up” games?
    The law relly is an ass sometimes