Eric Holder – Unfit to Serve as Attorney General

Do we really need a black Ashcroft?

Do we really need a black Ashcroft?

Paul Hooson at Whizbang Blue reports on Obama Attorney General nominee, Eric Holder, and his history of being an enemy of the First Amendment.

Holder is a very disappointing choice for Attorney General. He just doesn’t seem to share any modern sense that the worldwide nature of the Internet should not be subject to local community laws. And the notion of judge shopping, courtroom shopping, to find the most conservative possible community in some Southern jurisdiction in a Bible Belt community to decide what persons in New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco may view is outrageous. Holder just doesn’t seem to value the separation of church and state any higher than the current religious right wackos who are plentiful in the Bush Justice Department is appalling. The religious right has used the Bush Justice Department to advance it’s radical social and cultural agenda, and Eric Holder holds little promise of reversing this abuse of government power and spending of taxpayer money to advance a religious agenda.

Civil liberties supporters have every right to be very disappointed in this awful choice for Attorney General. (Source Eric Holder Frightens Civil Libertarians)

I have to agree with Hooson. See my earlier post, Obama’s AG Pick has a Censorship Goon Past. I think that anyone who opposed John Ashcroft and/or Alberto Gonzalez should oppose this clown with equal fervor — in fact, with more. I didn’t expect Bush to appoint anyone reasonable. I expected much better from Obama, and dammit, I gave a fat check to his campaign, worked my ass off on his legal team, and even delayed the birth of my daughter so that I could poll watch for him. He sure as hell isn’t getting a free pass from me, and I hope that he won’t from any of our readers. The First Amendment is on life support after eight years of letting complete censorship monkeys run the DOJ, this guy will be a complete disaster.

Eric Holder is unfit to serve as Attorney General.

6 Responses to Eric Holder – Unfit to Serve as Attorney General

  1. Atticus says:

    What’s your take? Is there anything to these concerns?

  2. Thank you for the question. I have updated my post to answer. Yes, I think there is a LOT to these concerns.

  3. blevinsj says:

    So as more and more DC insiders and questionable leaders are chosen to surround Obama…is it still a vote for “change?”

    Sounds more and more like blue beat red v. any real change…

  4. I’m not having voter’s remorse yet, as I’m still certain that McPalin would have chosen even worse, but this guy is a certified douchebag.

  5. Randy says:

    I want my money donated to the Obama campaign returned, as likely do 1,000’s and 1,000’s of others. Holder is not change, he is a deep deep protector of corporate corruption.
    I could go on for hours on an expose on that.
    Call for Obama to withdraw the Holder Nomination, or if he does not fight his nomination, do all you can to fight the HOLDER Nomination.
    I agree with the premise of the ones who maintain this WWW site.
    So weird, Obama runs around for 2 years, gives speeches on change, and then he spits in the face of all his supporters—Holder is NOT change.
    did he spin us all as suckers, dupes ?
    He has to be alerted, we are not going to stand for this insult, and not speak out, and he has to be put on notice; HOLDER is not acceptable.

  6. Andrew Yu-Jen Wang says:

    Speaking of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder:

    Eric Holder is a racial-minority individual, and in his heart and mind he inevitably does not endorse hate crimes committed by George W. Bush.

    George W. Bush committed hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism (indicated in my blog).

    George W. Bush did in fact commit innumerable hate crimes.

    And I do solemnly swear by Almighty God that George W. Bush committed other hate crimes of epic proportions and with the stench of terrorism which I am not at liberty to mention.

    Many people know what Bush did.

    And many people will know what Bush did—even to the end of the world.

    Bush was absolute evil.

    Bush is now like a fugitive from justice.

    Bush is a psychological prisoner.

    Bush has a lot to worry about.

    Bush can technically be prosecuted for hate crimes at any time.

    In any case, Bush will go down in history in infamy.

    Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
    B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
    Messiah College, Grantham, PA
    Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993

    I am not sure where I had read it before, but anyway, it is a linguistically excellent statement, and it goes kind of like this: “If only it were possible to ban invention that bottled up memories so they never got stale and faded.” Oh wait—off the top of my head—I think the quotation came from my Lower Merion High School yearbook.